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What is the salary of sales head in UAE?

The role of a sales head in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) is crucial for any organization’s success. As a leader in the sales department, the responsibilities and expertise required are significant. One important aspect that professionals consider before pursuing this role is the salary prospects in the UAE. In this article, we will explore the salary range for sales heads in the UAE.

The Average Salary of Sales Heads in UAE

The salary of a sales head in the UAE depends on various factors such as the industry, company size, experience level, and location. On average, sales heads in the UAE earn a salary range of AED 30,000 to AED 60,000 per month. This range may vary based on the aforementioned factors.

Factors Influencing Salary

1. Industry: The industry you work in greatly impacts your salary. Sales heads in industries such as finance, real estate, and oil/gas tend to earn higher salaries compared to retail or hospitality.

2. Company Size: The size of the company also plays a role in determining salary. Sales heads in large multinational corporations generally receive higher salaries compared to those in small or medium-sized enterprises.

3. Experience Level: Experience is a key factor in salary determination. Sales heads with a solid track record and extensive experience are likely to earn higher salaries than those with less experience.

4. Location: The location within the UAE can affect salary as well. Sales heads working in cosmopolitan cities like Dubai or Abu Dhabi may receive higher salaries compared to those in less developed areas.

What is the salary of sales head in UAE?

Additional Factors to Consider

1. Bonuses and Incentives: It’s important to consider that in addition to the base salary, sales heads often receive performance bonuses and incentives based on achieving sales targets and objectives.

2. Benefits and Perks: Many companies in the UAE offer attractive benefits and perks to sales heads. These may include health insurance, paid vacation, housing allowances, and transportation allowances, among others.

The salary range of sales heads in the UAE varies depending on industry, company size, experience level, and location. On average, the salary can range from AED 30,000 to AED 60,000 per month. However, it’s important to consider additional factors such as bonuses, incentives, benefits, and perks offered by companies. If you are considering a career as a sales head in the UAE, it is advisable to research specific companies and industries to get a clearer understanding of the salary expectations based on your circumstances.

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